The Things My Mother Taught Me

We often question our own success, don’t we? Are we ever happy enough where we are on our journeys? Why do we keep striving for more and then realize it’s still not enough? Are we chasing empty promises?
The world tells us one definition, but as I have grown in Christ and in my own faith, it is clear that the world’s definition is not the same as God’s.
What does success mean to you if I were to ask you right now? How would you answer?
For me, I have redefined what success looks like. In the past, I used to think success meant lots of money, fame, and fortune. I even chased these things years ago, trying to keep up with everyone around me. Today, I have realized the true meaning of success and this awakening happened after losing my mother, 7 years ago.
Growing up and as a little girl, I had the privilege of watching my mother love people to life, never judge them, help them in any way she could (even strangers), listen to them without ever interrupting, pray for them without anything in return, and even give money away to many, out of her generous heart.
She didn’t have a lot of money to give, no social media, and certainly no followers or fame.
What she did have was a ton of compassion, more empathy than I ever experienced, unwavering faith, generosity, a true and unconditional love of God, overflowing kindness, and a true respect for ALL PEOPLE.
My awakening to what REAL success looked like was when over 700 people showed up at her funeral. Norma was the most successful woman I ever met in every single way. I often reflect back on her life and the life of Jesus. What a beautiful way to live with so much love that never gives up and always shows up.
This to me, is the ultimate definition of success. I believe if more people focused on this definition, they would truly find much more peace, more joy, and more fulfillment in their lives, as I watched mother experience in her own life.
What you don’t realize is that my mother also suffered from a severe form of Rheumatoid Arthritis from the moment I was born. That woman lived in physical pain my whole entire life, yet she never let it take over her mind. Her mind was focused on faith in God and the healing hands of Jesus.
There was not a day in my life when she wasn’t praying big, bold prayers.
She passed away from a sudden aneurysm at 66 years old, and it was heartbreaking for me; however, the more I reflect back on her life, God had a plan, as He always does. (Jeremiah 29:11) Through deep prayer and surrender, I have chosen to live my life the way my mother taught me by her example.
The meaning of success is different for everyone. However, I believe true success is found in freely giving your time, your ears, your energy, your attention, and your love and support to others. The impact you can make by doing these things is most rewarding and I am committed to this journey every single day.
Thank you, Mom for leaving this kind of legacy for me. I’m forever grateful.
So, ask yourself today, what does success really look like to you?
What are you chasing after and why?
We get so lost in what success in the world looks like and I want to bring you back to what Godly success looks like. Let’s set a new commitment and decide to create a ripple effect of the kind of success that matters most!

Kelley Tyan is passionate about equipping ambitious women with Biblical principles, prayer, and the right tools to live courageously in life and with big, bold faith.
Contact Kelley at