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Brittni Mann

Brittni Mann is a Certified Personal Trainer and Program Director Assistant for a nonprofit organization called The Demand Project (TDP) The TDP exists to eradicate human trafficking, online enticement, child sexual abuse material, and the commercial sexual exploitation of children. Brittni is a Prayer Warrior and enjoys fellowshipping with others in her community. She is also the mother of two children, whom she adores with all her heart. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She’s passionate about encouraging others. From sunrise to sunset, Brittni will tell you to “ Let your light shine!”
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Note From Brittni

Dear Sisters,
My journaling is a beautiful journey of transformation and redemption. Walking with Christ often involves facing and overcoming various challenges, much like battles. Yet, through these struggles, His grace sustains and empowers you. “Amazing Grace” symbolizes God's unmerited favor and love that guides you through every trial, leading to spiritual growth and freedom in Christ. My journey, marked by battles and grace, reflects the profound truth that God’s grace is sufficient and ever-present in every difficulty.

“Freedom is to dream again.” As I walked in freedom, I rediscovered my ability to dream. I’d like to share my dream with you: envisioning the field in Heaven, akin to a rainbow-stunningly beautiful and sweet. I see children filled with joy and laughter, dancing and running freely through a field of wildflowers, their innocence and happiness creating an enchanting atmosphere. At the edge of the field, mothers hold bouquets, their smiles radiant with love and peace, with The Fathers’ love embracing them all.

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